Monday, January 30, 2012

The Big News

The news is out ... our family is expanding! We were delighted to discover in November that a new baby would be joining our family ... however, I must admit that given the last pregnancy experience I had, I had a hard time feeling 'joy' about it!
I feel guilty even typing it!

My last pregnancy had progressed to 12 weeks and then abruptly, cruelly and painfully ended. That hit me hard. I delivered a little one that we laid to rest alongside my dad.
Where was the joy there? I didn't look for it .... I didn't want to.

So when the stick turned blue this time, I had that question come to my mind immediately, 'Lord, will you allow this one to stay?' Is this the answer to what we have prayed, and pleaded for?

For the past 12 and a half weeks I have asked that many times. I was beyond thankful to reach the 3 month mark this past week, and am beginning to allow myself the feelings of hope and joy that come along with a promised and precious little life.

I must make one thing perfectly clear .. I believe God makes no mistakes. That was truly put to the test though with our loss. But how can I say then confidently, that He makes no mistakes ... because He has shown me time and again.

When all looked lost to the disciples when the Lord was crucified, what happened? He did as He said He would, and was resurrected! When they felt they were being left behind when He ascended to Heaven, what did He do? He told them He would give them a 'comforter!' One who would always be with them, never leaving them.

Oh sure, things may look bleak to us, but He has already seen the end. The glorious ending and He is walking along the road with us, holding our hand, and guiding us along. He has shown Himself mighty countless times .. why should this time be different? He will do it again!

And so, as this journey of adding to our family continues ... I give thanks. For another day to grow a little life. For the miracle that He has allowed to happen. That He heard my prayer, like Hannah in 1 Samuel. That He has given the child that we have prayed for. Could something unexpected happen? Oh, yes. Can something glorious come out of those trying times? OH, YES! And we are living proof of that!

~ a little life, beating heart, fingers, toes, a little soul

~ dreams of my oldest girl ... wanting to make a difference!

~ this man that I think about every day ... a wonderful, godly father.

~ for the man who sticks with me, always beside me!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

~ The Eyes

Aren't our eyes incredible? Do you know that when your eye doctor does a scan of your eyes they can detect high blood pressure, signs of stroke, risk of heart attack ... the list goes on.
To me, that is incredible and only an incredible God could design such a thing!

We show gratitude, love, assurance, appreciation, acceptance, and affection. We can calm the fears of others with a kind, reassuring look ~ however, our eyes can also show disgust, disappointment, anger .... and other things I don't even want to list!

Our eyes reveal what is in our heart! Aren't they referred to as 'the windows to the soul' and
rightly so.

Today, Hannah took part in a spelling bee and did a fabulous job! As I looked around at the
parents and friends of the other spellers, I watched their eyes! I could see all that they were
thinking and feeling. Pride for their little one, the encouraging smiles and bright eyes saying
'you are doing a great job!' Imagine... all that through the eyes!

What do I show my girls through my glances and looks? Am I showing them love and care, or
am I careless and showing things through my eyes that do nothing to encourage their spirit and
hearts? Oh, what a sobering thought!!

Oh, Lord help me to make every look count so that it encourages and builds up those around me!

Do I want my girls to remember the exasperated looks or the looks of love? What do I want my
days to be filled with? Of course the answer wells up within me ... who would choose
exasperation when we can choose love?!

I choose looks of love, encouragement, assurance ...

And the naming of gift continues ...

~ my little speller :)
~ a little sister who was there to cheer on her big sister
~ family and friends that came to support Hannah!
~ the love and joy that was shown to her through the eyes of others
~ giggles and joy over homemade pizza night
~ that I can see my girls, their smiles, their faces, their joys
~ the love in my husband's eyes for me, and for his girls :)

Let us commit to use our eyes to show our love ....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Question ~

'Mom?' Hannah asks this morning on the way to Montessori... 'aren't you going to ask who wants to pray?'

'You're right, Han! I didn't realize we were this close! Who would like to pray?'
In my rear view mirror I see a little hand go up and voice exclaim, 'I want to, mom!'
'Ok, Grace. (my not so little 5 year old!) Go ahead when you are ready.'

And so begins a beautiful little prayer asking the Lord to give them a great day with their friends, learning and playing. For happy hearts and attitudes as they go about their day. For their daddy to come home safely from work today, and our family and friends.

And then the line that hits me ... 'and thank you Lord, for ALL You do for us!'

There it is .. 'ALL you do for us!' How do you list out the ALL....

I got up this morning, breathing and rested. I had a warm shower, with clean water, and was able to put on clean clothes. My girls slept in warm beds last night, while the storm howled outside. They had breakfast this morning and warm clothes to put on to go out into the cold... the list keeps on going...

This dare to find joy and count the gifts.... well, the list grows and grows!

All brought to mind from a little one`s prayer. Reflecting on what that word really means.

The dare continues ... counting ALL that He does for us.

Will you start naming His gifts ... there is no time like the present!

Monday, January 16, 2012

He is Good!

One of the amazing things about 'The Joy Dare' is choosing to see things as gifts. Yes, that's
right ... I said 'choosing' Because isn't that what we do? We choose to see things as either gifts
or as something else.

These past 2 years, our family has dealt with many things. We said goodbye to a beloved dad, my
girls have seen 4 of their grandparents be promoted to heaven, a much anticipated little one was
chosen to go straight to heaven before their earthly appearance, and a few more. Where do
things like this leave a mom? Where do things like this leave a family? Where do things like this leave a families relationship with an all knowing and perfect God?

I will freely admit that I struggled, and have those days which are more challenging than others.
Some days the joy flows freely, and my heart is overflowing with praise ... other days I have to
look harder for the joy. But ... I do look for the joy!! Isn't joy everywhere? Isn't all that He does good?

Psalms 119: 68a ~ 'Thou art good, and doest good!' There it is right there ... plainly and simply..
He is good and what He does is good! How can I dispute that? I might not always understand
what He is doing, but I believe that what He is doing is GOOD! That is God's very nature. He is

As we go through this dare to look for joy and find it .... I remember that His graces are all around us ~ they are just waiting to be numbered and He is just waiting to hear and receive our
praise. Will you give Him praise today for all that He has done for you?

This is an incredible journey ~ one that never ends ~ one the doesn't stop until we get to Glory where we will praise Him personally!! Until that day, I want to be one that is counting the gifts
of grace and giving Him the praise for them!

~ the ability and privilege to homeschool my children!
~ seeing my oldest get a new concept :)
~ watching the smile my little girl gives as she completes her math ~ a job well done!
~ seeing sisters, feeling yucky, snuggle for an afternoon quiet time.
~ the joy of a new day and all that lies before us!

Will you take the dare? Will you look for the gifts that surround you everyday and give the praise
to the One who is sending those gifts? You can join up any time and to find out more ~ visit (Ann Voskamp's blog)

Join us on a life changing adventure ~ I guarantee you will never regret that you did!! :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Counting the Gifts!

I am back! Where have I been? I am ashamed to say, not far at all!

I let my voice grow quiet for a while, dealing with losses too many to count, allowing situations
to get the better of me and not relying on God's strength the way I should have.

That brings me to last Spring, where as the flowers and trees were renewing with life, a
wonderful friend put a book into my hands that has forever changed my life!

'One Thousand Gifts' by Ann Voskamp ~ a dare to live fully right where you are!
A challenging title and an even more challenging read ~ definitely not for the faint of heart.

Many nights I found myself weeping at the raw and real writing of this amazing lady.
Getting on the phone late at night just to thank my friend for sending that book to me, for
seeing that I needed it ~for being a friend!

And so began my quest to name 'the gifts' ~ sounds tricky? Not at all ~ look around you! There
are gifts everywhere, surrounding us! And so, I have taken the 'Joy Dare!' Finding and
recording the gifts of grace that are around me everyday but that it up to me to see!

Oh, how many gifts have I let slip away because I didn't want to recognize them as gifts! How
petty and selfish to think only of material things instead of those things that surround me from day to day!

And so... the journey has begun and I continue it ... daily seeing His goodness all around me and
pleading with Him that as He shows me these gifts that I will give all thanks to Him! None of
these things are of my own hand ~ only of His! How amazing is that! is my question to you ... will you take the dare? Will you number the gifts that
surround you each day? I can promise you one thing for sure ... your life will never be the same once you start!!!

~ hearing my girls say 'my dad is such a great man!'
~ seeing my man get the girls all bundled up to go skating ~ never to busy to spend time!
~ living in an area that sees all 4 beautiful seasons ~ my girls know how to swim in the lake in the
summer and skate on it in the winter!
~ for His marvelous handiwork seen in the dancing snowflakes and frosty trees! Only He could
do that!

Number these gifts of grace with us ~ will you?