Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Storms ~

Why do the storms come? What are we to do when they come? Can the Lord really see us through those times? These are questions that have encircled me lately since my dad was called home to heaven and as there have been those around me who have been climbing 'mountains of sorrow.'

I know that 'all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.' (Romans 8:28) But how many times do I realize that He is doing that. I can have a head knowledge of things, but I need a heart knowledge!

Sometimes the storms come because of some sin in our life ~ perhaps known, or unknown to us. That is why daily coming before the Lord and asking Him to search us and show us ~ just like David said 'if there be any wicked way in me,' is essential. The promise in 1 John 1:9 is clear, 'if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness!' Isn't that great?! That way we can experience a daily cleansing and a right relationship with Him. Confession - Forgiveness - Cleansing!

Sometimes those storms come so that we can be drawn closer to Christ. Perhaps we are drifting in our time with Him, or our commitment and He uses those times to draw us back to Himself. What better place to be in a storm, than close to the One who calmed the storm with His words 'Peace, be still!' John 16:33a is the Lord Jesus speaking and He says, 'These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me, you might have peace...'

I also believe that He allows storms so that we can be an example to others. We are constantly being watched! As moms, we know that little eyes see everything and are always watching to see how we are handling things. How much more are the eyes of the world on us, as believers, to see how we are handling situations in life that we are going through. What a wonderful time ~ although it might not seem it when we are in the midst of the storm ~ to tell people 'we are trusting Christ, He is carrying us through.' And when we have come to the other side of the storm, we give Him the Glory for bringing us through and being all that we have ever stood in need of!

Now.... when we are in the midst, it is hard to sit back and trust sometimes. We are human!! BUT ... David summed it up so well in Psalms 62 verse 8
'Trust in Him at all times ye people, pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.' Isn't that an amazing thought?! We can trust in Him at ALL times! We have trusted Him for our souls salvation, why not trust Him through the rest?! Is HE not worthy of our trust?! Of course He is! He is the Creator of the universe, the One who put the stars in place (Genesis 1:6), the One who brought Daniel through the lion's den, who brought the 3 men through the firey furnace! How much more do we need to see Him do before we will come to Him and say 'Lord, I trust you to bring me through this, and may you be glorified through it all.'

I realize that this really has nothing to do with homeschooling ~ which is what I usually blog about ~ but even in homeschooling, if we have given up the idea of a 2nd income, new clothes whenever we need them ..... is He not worthy of our trust?! He will provide and even if His answer is 'not right now,' or 'no,' or 'yes' to our requests through our storms/trials .... He will give the answer that HE KNOWS we need! Praise the Lord for such a One!!!

'He walked out on the water, facing the waves. How it roared and it thundered, 'til He raised His hands. Then the waves that were raging, were suddenly calm ~ when He stands between me and the storm.' (lyrics to Gold City song)