Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Starting Up Again

I have taken {ahem} more than a long break from this blog. What is the reason? There really isn't one. Why start up again? This is a way to record my thoughts, experiences, things God is constantly showing me ... and being able to share it with my littles when they are older.  

Could it be used as an encouragement to someone? If God so chooses. 

So, it is with that heart that I return to this venue, and pray that the Lord will allow what I write here to be one of the ways my children hear and rejoice in the mighty things that He has done. Perhaps you need a gentle reminder of all that He has done ... not just for others but that He has and can do that for you as well.

Now the name of my blog says Homeschooling with Joy .... yes, we are still homeschooling! Is it always with joy? No. However, the Lord continues to show me that joy is something we choose to experience and feel. Situations around us may not be conducive to joy, but it is there, waiting to be dug up like a great treasure! He gives joy, inexpressible and inexplainable .... joy unspeakable and full of glory! Let's dig for it together and encourage one another to continue in that pursuit. Will you join me? I hope so!

* our journey includes homeschooling our children.... which the Lord has laid on our heart. Is this everyone's journey? No. Please understand that whatever the Lord has led you and your family to do regarding schooling, is between you and Him. We support your decision! * 

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Final Day

Today is the final day of this 'series.' I can see some of you right now going, 'Yes!' ;) Hopefully it has been helpful. And .. it has taken me yesterday and today to put my thoughts together.

The thought that I want to leave you with is this: 'motherhood is a hallowed place because children aren't commonplace. Co-labouring together over the sculpting of souls is a sacred vocation, a humbling privilege. Never forget!' (Ann Voskamp)

This is a daunting thought. We are sculpting little souls! It is one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs in the world. However, it also brings with it moments of wondering if we are doing the right thing, and what we can do to ensure our children are protected and guided. This cannot be done without prayer! Who better to talk to then the One that formed them and created them? He knows these little ones better than we do (I know, hard to believe) and He wants the best for them as well. So let's daily pour our hearts out to Him and ask for His wisdom and guidance as we seek to train up these little ones for Him.

As the potter works with the materials, there is a vision of what he/she wants to create. Perhaps it's a vase, an ornament or a bowl. Whatever it is, there is a vision. Remember the verse 'where there is no vision, the people perish?' We are like that artist/potter with our little ones. We have a vision of what we would love them to do and how they will be.

Now, who helps us to sculpt this soul? Of course, the Master Creator & Sculptor. He sees a vision for them too ... but He sees the WHOLE picture. He already knows what our children will do and what they will become. So, again, who better to cry out to that that One? He will help us to train up these precious souls so that they may be used to bring honour and glory to Him.

What is your vision for your children and your family today? It will take work, and lots of prayer, but with the Lord's great help, we can see these little souls sculpted for Him!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 10 of the Joy Journey

Day 10

We are nearing the end of our devotional series on parenting with joy. I trust that as we have looked at these together that your heart has been touched and the Lord has revealed Himself to you.

Today, I will laugh! I will let the little children laugh! I will create a culture of JOY! Laughter is the cheapest, holiest medicine. Preschoolers laugh 300 times a day. Aim for double that. Tickle someone, (yourself!) if necessary. This is good!

This is a challenge for me today because I literally feel awful! I seem to have been overtaken by 'the cold.' My baby got vaccines yesterday and threw up all over me this morning while feeding her. (don't sweat the small stuff, right?! :)

I don't FEEL like laughing. But, if we did everything based on feeling than we would do hardly anything! 'I don't feel like cooking today,' 'I don't feel like doing laundry today,' 'I don't feel like getting up this morning ...the kids can fend for themselves.' ;) Let's be honest, there are days where we feel this way. However, we can choose to see joy, grace and then ... laugh!

We all know it takes more muscles to frown than smile. I don't know about you, but as I am getting older I want to prevent those wrinkles .. would much rather have laugh lines. :)

Let's reason today, with the Lord's great help, that we will laugh with our children and create a culture of joy! Tell jokes, funny stories, whatever it takes :).

I want my house to be a joyful place where my girls can thrive and know that we are living each day celebrating all of God's great gifts! And aren't there so many gifts to give thanks for? Not just at this time of year, but daily! His mercies are new every morning, and our praise should be too!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 9 of the Joy Journey

Day 9

Today, my priorities will be all things Unseen.

There is so much that the Lord is doing all around us that we cannot physically see. He is working on our hearts (we definitely feel that!), He is working on our children's hearts/lives, and the lives of those around us.

He is the Almighty, the All Knowing and the One who can do anything! He works in situations that we might feel are impossible. Remember the verse, 'with God, NOTHING is impossible!' Today, let's focus on that! Let's look to what He is doing that we cannot see. The inner workings that He accomplishes through those around, and even us! Isn't it great that God uses ordinary people ... otherwise how could we be used by Him?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 8 of the Joy Journey

Day 8

Today, I will hug each of my children as many times as I serve them meals ~ because children's hearts feed on touch. I'll look for as many opportunities to touch my children today as possible ~ the taller they are, the more so. :)

When Jo is home the girls really have a few simple requests. Can we ride our bikes? Can we go to the park? Can you tickle me dad? They absolutely LOVE to be tickled by their daddy! It is amazing that something so simple can bring them so much joy. And isn't that what we are searching for ... real joy?!

How do you feel when your husband takes your hand as your out walking, or sitting on the couch watching a movie. Does that still take your breath away the way it did before or just after your got married? I always loved the feeling of Jody's hand in mine. It was like they were always meant to go together and that the Lord finally brought them together :) I know .. sappy but hey, it's true. At the fair over the weekend we were walking through and he put his arm around me ... I loved it! It was so nice and it really reaffirms that his affection is directed to me.

Now, what about our children? Of course, the hug before school and a goodnight kiss but is that it? How would our children change (for the better) if we kissed their forehead and told them we think they are great throughout the day?  How would they react if we gave them a hug just randomly and reaffirmed that we are proud of them and the wise choices they are making today?

That is my challenge for myself today ... to hug my children as often as I can today and definitely when I hand out meals or snacks. It might even become routine ~ and if we forget they might ask 'where's my hug, mom?' :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 7 of the Joy Journey

Day 7

Today, the moment when I am most repelled by a child's behaviour, that is my sign to draw the very closest to that child.

As a mom, there are some days where I look at my girls and think 'who are you and why are you acting this way?' Come on ....  you've been there too, right?! Don't leave me hanging here on my own! 

It is in those moments of disbelief at our children's attitude, sassiness, tantrum ... that they really need us the most. That is the moment where if we slow and draw near to them, we can help the most. Sometimes our child(ren) just need a hug and an 'I love you so much! what can I do to help you?' I know with my girls that there have been so many losses these past few years that some days they need a hug and talk about how they are missing their loved one. 

Don't get me wrong... I am not saying that discipline goes out the window! We still have a God given responsibility to train up our children. However, if we slow and take some time to draw near to them, I think we will be amazed at the change of disposition. Perhaps both in them, and us. :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 6 of the Joy Journey

Day 6 

Today, I will pray to be consistently consistent. I will create safe rhythms that our children can find security in. I will create daily ceremonies because everyday we are CELEBRATING the gift of now!

I am a real believer in routine. For our family, we function better when there is a set 'rhythm' to the day. I make slow cooker oatmeal every weekday night for the next morning. That way it's ready to go, there's no excuse to miss breakfast, and the older girls can do a self serve if I am with the baby. One morning, Hannah ran up the stairs and asked 'where's the oatmeal?' I explained that I thought they might have wanted a break from it and we could do bagels. She said, 'I was looking forward to that oatmeal!' The joy of routine :)

Our homeschool day also runs SO much smoother! When things are organized and laid out for the day, we get more done and the end product is better ... and our attitudes are better too!

The thing is, our children find security in the routine we set out. Some of them actually thrive on it! Mine do :)

Celebrating the gift of now with them is showing them to appreciate every moment that God has given. The moments that He provides that can take our breath away if we slow to recognize them. All these days co-inside with each other. There are no emergencies .... so we can slow to appreciate all that is going on around us. The gift of now!